About Me & Resumé/CV!


Welcome again! My name is Billy (or William, if you know me from my documents) and I am an all-round creative-obsessive, with international academic and professional training in ideating, designing, and executing on relevant, useful, and downright cool hardware. My interests and experiences lie particularly in robotics, automated or otherwise techologically mixed hardware systems.

My story begins like so many engineers, marooned on a clear patch of floor steeped in a room full of Lego. It was such a preoccupation for me that I really do wonder how I ever had any success at primary school. Right from the start, I had little interest in keeping sets constructed because the real fun was in having a huge inventory that I could build everything from vast and realistic boat models, to complex mechanistic contraptions. Once my ambitions exceeded the structural properties of plastic pieces, I migrated to the under-used garage unit and over years, turned it into my very fruitful workshop. At this point, I was to be a mechanical engineer, and there was no going back.

I was born and raised just outside the fine city of Norwich, England, and attended my local state school. My search to join an institution as committed to engineering as I was led me first to the Arkwright trust, through which I was a scholar sponsored by Rolls Royce Aerospace, then to the the Sutton Trust US Programme, to whom I am infinitely grateful.


With privilege, luck and hard work, I was awarded the full-ride Stamps President's Scholarship to attend Georgia Tech, as the third ever international student recipient. So, at 18, I packed up and moved to Atlanta, GA to learn what growing up meant. These formative four years saw me living and studying across six continents, leading our awesome BAJA SAE team, conducting research, and working internships. I graduated with my Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering in the summer of 2020.

A memorable road trip brought me to Silicon Valley, where I live and work today. Presently, I am helping to design and ship Matician's flagship mass-market robot from the ground up. Previously, I worked at Lucid Motors as a power electronics mechanical engineer, on both production and e-racing projects.

It is an honour and a privilege to be able to love what I do, as I do, and I will be making the most of every minute.

Very Fun Facts

  • I am a HUGE foodie and love going to unecessary extents to make dishes from scratch
  • I dream of designing and building my own sustainable home one day
  • I'm a British Citizen with STEM OPT
  • Sailing to Philadelphia is the greatest song ever created